


Rento V7 IS LIVE!!

We added multiple dice feature + dice configurator + coins betting

When this game setting is on, you will be able to choose between 4 dice options before you roll.
Among the standard 1 2 3 4 5 6 die, you also can choose between [0, 1, 2, 3, 3, 4] , [0, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8] and [0, 1, 5, 6, 7, 10].
Rento dice selector
As you can see, the new dice have values between 0 and 10 (including).
This makes the game much more fun and allows for more strategy thinking.
The multiple dice feature is available for all game types (solo, local, online and wifi)

This is premium paid feature that allows you to customize your dice.
You can choose how many dice can players choose from (between 2 and 5) and you can configure each die sides with numbers between 0 and 10.
Rento dice configurator
However there are 2 limits:
1) Each die must have 3 even and 3 odd sides
2) The sum of all dice sides much be maximum 40

From now on the mobile and WEB platforms have the ability to win coins with betting.
Coins betting
You can bet between 5 and 50 coins and you can win 90% of the bet amount (10% is fee).
So if you play in 3 players room with 10 coins bet, if you win, you get 27 coins at the end of the game (but you placed 10 coins bet so your net profit is 17 coins).
Betting is enabled in Rento platforms where coins are used: Android, iOS and WEB (BoardGamesOnline.Net)

We increased the number of strategy cards that each player has
Now each player has 5 strategy cards in the games instead of 3

All these new features are available in Steam, Android, iOS and WEB platforms.
They will also be added to consoles and other platforms but later on.
Have a good one :)

Added pink Barbie houses

We added very cool pink Barbie houses that are available for free in the Steam version of Rento

You can play them in all game modes - Online, Solo or Local. The female part of you should definitely try it out. Here is how they look like:
Rento Monopoly pink houses in Steam
Soon (in 1-2 weeks) they will be available in the mobile version of Rento as well.

Rento printed board game discounted -33%

We discounted -33% OFF the printed version of Rento game
The sale promotion will be in place to December 28th so hurry up before the discounted games run out.
Buy as gift for your family from HERE and get the game by XMas
You can also report cheating players and block them.
Rento Printed Sale

Rento updated for Xbox

We are happy to finally update Rento on all Xbox consoles
The new update brings out all of the new cool stuff that we made over the last few years, including the "Deep Board", the "Teams" gameplay, the 8 player support and many more
We also added the tournaments support, the strategy cards, win on capital mode, win on rental mode, auction mode and other bug fixes and cool new features.
We also improved the player statistics page and allowed your to see profiles of your opponents during game and in "Top 100" statistics.
You can also report cheating players and block them.
Check it out now:
Rento Xbox

Rento updated for PS4/PS5

We are happy to finally update Rento on PlayStation 4 and 5 platform
The new update brings out all of the new cool stuff that we made over the last few years, including the "Deep Board", the "Teams" gameplay, the 8 player support and many more
We also added the tournaments support, the strategy cards, win on capital mode, win on rental mode, auction mode and other bug fixes and cool new features.
Check it out now:
Rento PlayStation 5

Rento on Mac App Store

Good news for the Mac OS Apple users
Rento has been released on Mac App Store for free!
The game is absolutely free, just as the mobile iOS version
The desktop Mac OS version includes all features of the mobile Rento but with top desktop graphics quality and animations.
The additional themed boards, deep board, different pawns, dice and houses are unlockable by completing achievements or by purchasing coins
The desktop Mac version allows you to login with your Apple account, so you transfer all of your purchases from your mobile account to the desktop one
If you like the game Please give us a 5 star rating HERE
Check it out now:
Rento on Mac OS X Store

Local WiFi / LAN multiplayer added

Huge news folks,
We just added local WIFI / LAN multiplayer mode to the game.
WiFI / LAN Multiplayer monopoly
You can now play monopoly in LAN or WiFI multiplayer without connecting to our server.
This is ideal if you have bad internet connection or none at all.
Join your friends on the local LAN or WiFi network now.
You can play up to 6 players in one room. As always, you can play on custom board, specify different dice, pawns and all the other settings. You can also add robots to the WiFi game.
WiFI / LAN monopoly settings
This new update is available in Steam, Android and iOS.

Tournaments Upgraded

Goood morning folks!
We have another special update for your - upgraded Tournaments
Watch Tournaments
While tournament is playing, now you can see how many tournament rooms exist and you can also watch each room want
The progress of the rooms is shown too - when the progress bar completes to 100%, the room ends by time limit (which is 40 or 50 minutes).
Then the winner is the player with most money and lands (houses count too).
This new update is launched on Steam, Android, iOS and WEB Rento versions


Rento approved for Steam Deck

Another cool update for Steam
Rento has been approved for Steam Deck
Steam Deck Monopoly
Rento now fully supports Steam Deck handheld console.
You can play with only the Deck controller and use the virtual keyboard for all places where you enter text (like naming your player or chatting).
The game is listed as "great on deck" so you can be sure you can play it 100% without any issues.
We also optimized the performance so you can enjoy optimal battery life on your Deck console.
Great on Steam Deck


Friends list added

Great news for friends and family gamers
Friends lists have been added. You can now add friends, watch their games and play with them again

Adding somebody as friend

Add friend
When you start an online game with random people, you can add them as friend by just clicking on their avatar and press the "Add Friend" button
You can also block them or remove them as friend.
Blocked player cannot join in your games anymore and he cannot send you chat messages either.

Friend Lists

When you login to the online menu, you will find new "Friends icon". Click it and you will have your friends list shown
Friend lists
From this panel you can see all your friends and you can also remove them.
New friend requests are accepted here as well.
Unblocking player you have blocked, is also done here.

Accepting Friend Requests

If one of the players you currently play with, send you a friend request, you will receive it immediately in the game, where you can accept it or reject it.
Friend requests

Playing with friend and watching their games

Another new feature in this update is "PLAY WITH FRIENDS" menu in the online section of the game.
Play With Friends menu
Here are listed your online, busy and offline friends.
You can invite the online ones (green icon) to instant game.
The busy players (orange icon) means that they are in game (busy) and you have either wait for them to become free to play, or you can watch their game, by clicking on such player and pressing the "WATCH GAME" button.

In which platform is this new update?

This new friends features are available in Steam, Rento 3D for Android, Rento 2D Lite for Android, Rento for iOS and also in our website BoardGamesOnline.Net

Rento TEAMS released

We are very happy to present you Rento TEAMS DLC
TEAMS is Rento cooperation game mode offered as DLC extension for Steam (or coin purchase in Android/iOS), in which you play in teams with your friends
Rento TEAMS will add allow you to play the game in 2 teams of 2 people , 2 teams of 3 people, 2 teams of 4 people and 4 teams of 2 people.
Teams can be played online or offline (in Pass To Play mode)
Robots are also team enabled so you can create online room and join a robot in it.

Key differences in Team games

-Money are common across teams
-Land properties are also common across teams
-If one of the team goes to jail and "jail rent" setting is OFF - the whole team does not receive rents while team member is in jail
-Teams are chosen by room creator
-Robots can join multiplayer team games
-When people trade across teams, they can choose which player of the team to send the offer to (if offer is rejected, player can try with a different member of the same team)
-When one player bankrupts, other player(s) from this team has one more roll (so if he is before start and cross it, he will get $200 which may save him from bankrupting)
-Game ends when other team(s) bankrupt and all players from winning team are the winners

Just like the deep board, this team feature is paid only if you want to create team games. You can join team games for free in the main Rento game (but you have to wait until you see open team games).

Good luck team!

Android version upgraded to Rento 3D version 6

The wait is finally over for Android users, as we just released the 3D version of Rento for Android! Together with it, Android users can enjoy brand new animated pawns, the new "Deep board" from Steam and iOS and many graphical and functional upgrades and bug fixes
Rento Deep Board
After every major upgrade like this, there are people who do not like it - so for all of those - you can

download the old Rento 2D Lite version


Rento Deep Board released on Steam

Long wait is over!!! Rento Deep board is finally released for Steam
Deep Board is a special map DLC extension, in which you play on two levels (inner and outer level)
Rento Deep Board DLC


When you land on an owned subway station, the game moves your pawn to the inner circle, in which you can enjoy more lands, gifts and two new companies.

4 Companies

The game now has Hospital, Internet, Electricity and Water companies.
When you own 1 company, players who land on your company pays you dice sum multiplied by 4
When you own 2 companies, players who land on your company pays you dice sum multiplied by 10
When you own 3 companies, players who land on your company pays you dice sum multiplied by 25
When you own 4 companies, players who land on your company pays you dice sum multiplied by 50

13 land colors

Rento Deep Board adds 4 new color groups, which allow many players (up to 8) to play on all 13 lands, which makes the game so much more fun.


As always, this map is multiplayer enabled so you can play it online with your friends and family (or in solo/pass to play modes)

Everyone can play it

Even if you don't own this DLC, you can still play on this board, but will have to wait for someone with Deep Board DLC to create such room (and then you can join it for free).



Tournaments added

We have heard your wishes and we finally added Weekly Tournaments to Rento monopoly
You can play in tournaments from Rento Steam, Android, iOS and WEB versions.

In order to join a tournament, open Rento, then login to the online menu and tap the 1-2-3 Ranking button. Then you will see the upcoming tournaments and will have the chance to register.

We are adding 1 to 3 tournaments each week, near the weekend.
Be careful to pay attention to the start date/time because if you miss the tournaments, you will get penalty.

You need to be in the online lobby few minutes before the tournament starts.
The prizes for each tournament are: ELO rank points, VIP status extension and credits and coins.
Good luck! Rento Monopoly Tournaments

3D Animated pawns added

We have been busy in the latest months with a surprise.
And here is it. Now you can enjoy all 13 fully animated 3D pawns being happy, sad, exploding, bending, stretching and much more
We aim to make the game as interesting as possible by adding these fun 3D pawns. Be sure to check all of them. They couldn't be any more cooler than that

The new pawns are added to almost all versions of Rento (Steam, Android, iOS, MacOS and Nintendo Switch)
Everybody who owns the game should get the update for free (as always). Animated 3D pawns
Have a happy playing :)

Rento Released in China android stores

Hey there!
Another great news came for our Chinese friends. Rento is now released in couple of android mobile stores
Thanks to our partners AppTutti, you can play Rento Fortune in the following Chinese mobile markets:
-Rento on TapTap
-Rento on Xiaomi
-Rento on Wandoujia
Apart from these stores, we expect to get Rento published on "Appchina", "Lenovo", "Liqu", "Tencent MyApp" and "Baidu Mobile Assistant" stores
Stey tuned for the future releases Rento AppTutti Stores List

8 Player support & BIG board added

We are happy to announce that we made one of our most requested features - 8 players support and a bigger map!
8 players support and big map There are 12 color sets in this board. We have added "white", "lite green" and "black" color sets.
This also means that all color sets are now made of 2 cells.
In the 8 player mode, 2 new pawns are added: black and white.

Have a happy playing..and a wonderful 4th July independence day to our US friends

Map Editor added to Steam Rento

We are extremely happy to announce that we released "Map Editor" DLC to the Steam version of Rento
Map Editor
With this powerful tool, you can create your own custom maps on which to play with your friends or solo (versus Robots)

The map editor supports editing map cells, repositioning them, changing country names, prices and Vault card texts
For example: You can create a map, in which you have 10 wheels of fortune, 5 chest/vault fields and decide not to include all property lands

You can also name all properties to your local city streets, or to your country towns. It is up to you!
Right now the map editor is only available on Steam as DLC, so make sure to check it out if you play the Steam Rento Fortune version.

Voice chat added in Steam Rento

Finally the "Voice Chat" feature that has been long requested have come to the Steam version of Rento
Voice Chat feature
When you are in multiplayer game in Steam, press and hold the F keyboard button to talk to your friends.

By default the voice chat between the non Steam friends in the is disabled, but you can turn it on if you want.
*Please note that this feature is only available in the Windows version of Rento in Steam. We will migrate it to Mac OS X at later time

Strategy cards and new options added

We are extremely happy to announce that we just added 4 new game modes to the game: Strategy cards, auction mode and rental win and capital win modes.

New options

===== STRATEGY CARDS =====

If this new game option is selected, you will have 3 strategy cards, which you can use in your favor while playing. Strategy cards
Please note that these cards are only 3 and once you play them, no new cards will be given to you in the current game.

Some of the cards can interact with the other players in the game. For example, a card can bring a player of your choice to your location on the game board. Another card can raise house prices or save you from bankrupting once.

In total we added 19 strategy cards, of which every player will get 3 random cards per game.

===== AUCTION MODE =====

This game setting will put on auction every property on which a player lands. This will eliminate the "luck" in the game and will make your game pure strategy and trading skills.

===== WIN ON RENTALS =====

New options
This setting will end the game when one of the players reaches a chosen amount of rents collected. We added new "rent" indicator which will show you how close you are from winning the game by collecting rents.

===== WIN ON CAPITAL=====

This setting will end the game when one of the players has more money than the amount chosen in the "capital win" setting.

We hope you enjoy all these added features. They are currently added to Android, iOS, Steam and Web versions of Rento. Have a happy playing.

3 New luck cards added

LOL, this is so cool.
We just added Lightning, Trap and Bed luck cards!
This is what are they for:

-Lightning strike
Lightning Strike
Lightning luck card allows you to select a land where rental will decrease 50% for next 1 landing on it

Trap luck card allows you to select a land to which a trap will be placed. Player who enters the trap will skip next two turns.

Bed luck card allows you to select a land to which a resting bed will be placed. Player who lands on this bed will skip next one turn.

Cool, right? But that's not all. We also added Village houses
Village Houses
Now your houses can differ from opponent ones.
Just choose Village style house in the online section of the game

Right now these cards are only added to the Steam, Android, iOS and VR version of Rento


Rento VR released

We are glad to announce that the Virtual Reality version of Rento monopoly game was released.
If you have HTC Vive or Oculus Rift, download the game from Steam!
Have you imagined being able to spin the Wheel Of Fortune by yourself? Now you can do it now! You can also interact with the pawns, shoot with the Russian Roulette, walk and teleport around the board, go physically into the jail and have tons of fun.
You'll also have the chance to stand next to the tutorial guy and meet him in person :)
Check it out now:
Rento Fortune VR
Rento Fortune VR Rento Fortune VR Rento Fortune VR Rento Fortune VR Download it now: https://store.steampowered.com/app/931150/Rento_Fortune_VR

Rento is on Japanese eShop for Switch

Hey folks, another great news. Rento was now released on Switch for Japan.
The game is called レントフォーチュン and has a full Japanese support
We released with Patch 01 and it has multiple bug fixes and improvements

Search in the Japanese eShop for "レントフォーチュン" or "Rento"
Rento Japan

Rento is on Switch now

We are glad to announce that Rento now has conquered Nintendo Switch.
If you happen to have Switch console, just open the eShop and search for "Rento"
What's cool in the Switch Rento is the fact that you can play with either Joy Cons, or with touch screen or in TV mode. We are adding the Pro Controller support too.

The game runs perfectly on Switch and you can enjoy the cross platform vs all other consoles, mobile devices, PC's, etc.. Download here:
Rento Switch

Rento available on Xbox One

We are glad to announce that Rento conquered one more platform - Xbox One.
So if you own Xbox console, go jump to the Store and search for "Rento"
There are many surprises you will see on the Xbox release:
-Included Voice chat (you can talk with your friends via headset in online games
-Integrated Xbox shell. Easily join your friend games in Xbox shell
-Xbox Friends invite. Invite your fav friends to play with you

If you like the game, we will be very happy to get 5 star review.
Download here:
Rento Xbox One

P.S. The first 5 people who reach us in contact form and ask for key, will get free Xbox download key to download the game at no cost.

Rento released in Japanese PS4 store

Good news for all Japanese PS4 players. We just released Rento on Japanese Playstation 4 store.
This is the link, from where you can download the Japanese version: https://store.playstation.com/ja-jp/product/EP4633-CUSA10904_00-JPPS400000000001
The game has full Japanese support and translation, so if you're native Japanese person, you will be able to enjoy the game on its best.
The current price of Rento in the Japanese store has been set to 1,990 JPY
Download it now: Rento monopoly PS4 Japan

PlayStation 4 version released

We are glad to announce that we ported Rento Fortune on PS4 with its brand new 3D graphics and 4 camera modes.
You can download the game for your PS4 console from Europe (SIEE), USA (SIEA) and Japan regions.
Playing Rento on console's controller is very pleasant we have to say. Play with your family and friends on the same console (local play) or online or vs robots
Download it now: Rento monopoly PS4

New 3D graphics

Finally you can see what we have been working on the last few months. We completely redesigned the 3D board.
Enjoy completely new Full HD 3D graphics that will make your gameplay even better.
Check out the new cool 4 camera modes:
-2D (Top View)
-Main view (The old view)
-3D view (the brand new 3D camera view)
-Free view (you control the camera by yourself)
We also added graphic settings, which yhou can tweak based on your hardware. Rento Fortune is lightweight monopoly game, so you will probably be able to run it on the best graphics setting

Ofcourse that's not all. We upgraded the houses. Now you don't add new houses, but instead - you upgrade your base starting house, upgrading it from barn to castle. Check it out now: Rento Fortune 3D

Rento Printed version

The long wait is over!
Rento is produced as a phisical product for your home and family.
We made limited quantity of this printed version and it is made with premium quality.
You will enjoy water proof cards, premium metal dice, shiny board, Wheel of Fortune and pawns and overal one very polished game that is NOT made in China and you will truly enjoy.

Check out the unboxing video on YouTube

Here are pictures of Rento Board Game so you can see what you'll get: Rento Board Game pic #1
Rento Board Game pic #2
Rento Board Game pic #3
Rento Board Game pic #4
Rento Board Game pic #5
Rento Board Game pic #7
Rento Board Game pic #7

*Note: The game is in English language

In the box you will find:

  • 1 Game board
  • 1 Wheel Of Fortune
  • 2 Premium metal dice
  • 1 Special dice
  • 36 Houses & 12 Hotels
  • 6 Plastic pawns
  • 34 Luck & Vault cards
  • 175 Paper Money
  • Play Instructions

Introducing "Immunity", "Olympics" and "Tornado" luck cards

We are proud to show you our latest Rento improvements.
We added three strategy LUCK cards.
If you see this card - you will have the opportunity to select and destroy 1 opponent house level. The tornado will blow it away.
This card allow you to set one land where the Olympic games will be hosted. It will increase the land's rent by 50% for one pawn landing.
This card once shown, will remain in your possession and you can use this immunity whenever you want
(but keep in mind that you can enable it before you roll the dice).
Once the immunity is applied, you will pay NO rent in that turn.
Your immunity card can be used only once.

Introducing "TRAVEL"

You can now travel across your stations.
In order to travel you must own at least 2 stations.
To travel between your stations you must be also landed on one of them.
Before you end your turn, you will see "TRAVEL" button. Tap on it and select one of your stations where you want to go
NOTE: If you cross the START, then you will NOT get $200.

Introducing special property "VATICAN"

Starting from version 4.2.4 you will find a new single property land called "VATICAN".
It's color is grey and it is the only grey land.
What is different in Vatican is that it allows you to start building houses/hotel the very moment you buy it.
There are no other grey lands so you don't need to buy all lands from same color group.
It sounds great, but what is the catch? Well..you cannot simply buy it. Once you land on this land - it is automatically auctioned.
So, the player who bids the most, will buy it.
This will help in cases when some player is unable to make a color set and nobody wants to trade with him.
Vatican is a hope for such players to get back in the game and have a chance of winning.

Wheel Of Fortune and Russian Roulette

Rento presents two new features that will make the game even more interesting
"Wheel Of Fortune" is placed on two cells on the game board.
You spin the wheel and get one of the 16 different surprises.
In the wheel you can get 500$, or your money can be set to $1000 (which can be a huge bonus if you don't have any, or a tax, if you have more).
In some sectors you donate $100 to poorest player, or get $100 from the reachest.
You can also go to jail or parking or get 2 bonus houses.
Wheel Of Fortune
Another add on was the "Russian Roulette". If you struggle in the game and you see the bankruptcy is coming, you can try you luck and make some money, or bankrupt directly.
The use of the Roulette is optional. You can choose the amount of bullets to put in the chamber. Good luck
Russian Roulette
If you don't like all these cool features, you can play the old board. Select it from the "Boards Menu" in online menu.

Up to 6 Players

We upgraded the total number of players that can play in a game. Rento now supports not 4, but 6 player games
The change affects all play modes - Solo, Pass'N Play, Online, Facebook and WiFi.
Just tap the 5 or 6 players button when creating a new game room
6 Players Rento Monopoly
Good luck with making a monopoly over the game board.

Special die

Rento now supports additional game mode - "SPECIAL DIE".
This is additional red die that is used to make the game different and even speed it up
Here is what the dice sides mean:
Speed Dice 1
Star. This multiplies the value of the two main dices

Speed Dice 2
Roll again. This icon means that you will roll one more time.
Speed Dice 3
Buy next. This means that after completing your turn, you will move to the first unowned land and have the chance to buy it
Speed Dice 4
Pass. If you see this, you skip your turn and next player takes place
Speed Dice 5
Choose dice. You can choose which dice to play. You can either play the left dice or the right dice or both
Speed Dice 6
Six. You simply add 6 to your other two dices (play the total sum of the three dices)

The way you play is - you roll the 3 dices and follow the additional dice legend.

Rento in CafeBazaar Iranian store

Rento has been fully translated and submitted to CafeBazaar (the biggest Iranian app store).
The game is professionally translated in Farsi (Persian) and has been tested by local people.
You can download Rento Monopoly from CafeBazaar.ir
Apart from the game interface, the rules and tutorial are fully translated to Farsi.
We also changed the fonts, so they can be easy readable to Iran people.

This is how the game looks like in Farsi language


We are happy to announce that Rento.com is finally finished. All news and updates regarding the game will be posted here.
We hope you like the website.
If you have any suggestions or feedback - use the contact form to reach us.
Follow Rento on Instagram, YouTube and Facebook